Pilonidal sinus treatment: Conditions: Intermittent boil with discharge of pus, hairs and blood occurs on sacral region in mid spinal line between natal cleft. In acute phase natal abscess is formed which is associated with pain and fever. The abscess is bust with discharge and symptoms are relieved leaving the intermittent or persistent discharging sinus.



Excision of the sinus bearing area of tissues by elleptical incision and suture of the wound by deep and
subcutaneous sutures.


50% receurrences are reported after surgery of pilonidal sinuses.

Kshar Sutra treatment

45 cases of pilonidal sinuses were treated by kshar sutra during last 32 years. Post operative followup study revealed recurrence in 3 cases. The kshar sutra was reapplied and patient were cured. The kshar sutra did not response in two cases, where radiological examination confirmed osteomylitis of sacral bone. Remaining 40 cases were cured and did not show any type of recurrence during followup study period for 3-5 years.